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Foundation Structure

World Federation of Nations Foundation
Purpose. The World Federation of Nations Foundation (“WFNF”) was established on December 30th, 1998, in Los Angeles, California, by Leith Eaton and made a Non-Profit Corporation in 2002. The purpose of WFNF is to promote World Peace, Global Enlightenment and understanding among all nations and cultures and to advance mankind. As we began a new millennium and in the wake of the worldwide repercussions from the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks and global economic crisis, it has been a particularly appropriate time for introspection and re-evaluation of national and worldwide political structures and cultural developments in order to bring about positive change. The structures to be reviewed include the operation of classic democratic societies in this century, the purpose and practices of the United Nations, other International peace movements and doctrine as well as, the operation of the International Monetary Fund, The Federal Reserve, and The World Trade Organization. Many of the programs will educate through the use of The Arts in many multi-media programs. WFNF proposes to initiate a public discourse, exchange ideas, educate the public and implement action on these subjects.


Legal Organization and Tax Status. WFNF is a NONPROFIT California corporation as a tax-exempt section 501 (c) (3).


Agenda and Future Plans. The WFNF proposes to develop some form of educational progress, among others [collectively referred to as the ("Agenda")].



Political Structure;


Positive and Negative Impact of Technology;

Environmental Issues;

Global Economics;

World Trade;

Protection of Individual Liberty;

Spiritual Issues;

Military Issues;Individual Rights;

Global Health Issues;

Social Impact of New Millennium

Political, Cultural and Technological Change.


Proposed Projects.


The Good News – an online publication for global solutions, providing information, up-to-the-minute positive approach news in stories, language and attitudes.The target is to become a daily newspaper initially distributedaround the world in all languages.


The solutions to many problems our planet is facing today are outthere! Boon Times knows where to find the answers, alternative approaches, who can help, and will share the essential information with the general public. Humor and lightheartedness injected with facts in a stylish presentation, together with the freethinking, solution-oriented attitudes greatly needed for peaceful solutions.


(2) A participation in The Arts in Healthcare program called “Art and Healthy Living”, an educational program for American schools, using Art to facilitate health care in the prevention of illness. This will include Curriculum Development, Inservice, Pilot Program (approval from Superintendent of School has been obtained) and Evaluation.


The creative process and the healing process come from the same source, and they enhance one another. In the aftermath of the Columbine High School tragedy and others that followed it is clear that this type of application and awareness was and is greatly needed in our school systems, our communities and in our homes. This program can be tremendously beneficial as a preventative of such emotional outbreaks. The children are our future!


The Arts can strengthen our communities and enliven our physical environment, enhance and beautify our cities, give strength to those who are already at-risk and help prevent problems from arising in the future for those who become aware of the principles and advantages of the curriculum. Not only can this much-needed program uplift the mind and spirit; the practices can improve concentration and enhance the energy experienced within the improved environment.


There are many areas within The Arts that can be utilized with “Art and Healthy Living.” The media includes theatre, dance and movement, music and writing, as well as the use of lighting, design, architecture, texture and color. The different media can be utilized through many different school subjects such as science, Art music, health science and more. Art can also be combined with medicine and other health practices.


In summary, the school system is not at present fully helping the students become aware of the fact that they, as individuals and as a whole society, can make an improvement in their lives and environment, and how they can become healthier in mind, body and spirit. This program will help to further the goals of WFNF.(3) A participation with an Arts & Culture Internet Supersite that will provide Boon Times and much more exposure worldwide on the web.It is a culturally diverse and educationally driven network, with advanced Internet technology whose primary focus is on interactive multimedia, entrepreneurship, and user generated content integrating company-developed, next generation Internet technologies, i.e., mobile technology, interactive computer media, audio and video streaming, mobile technology, broadcasting, and Arts and culture into state-of-the-art publishing platform -. A culturally driven Internet presence on a global scale. This new real-time content creation platform will create new and heightened experiences for users on the Internet worldwide, with a whole new range of content, services, interactivity, ease of use and enjoyment of The Arts and Culture.Inspiring, artistic, educational, riveting and entertaining, The Arts & Culture Internet Platform will be a global knowledge and learning network with mega-libraries of interactive information available at the fingertips of users worldwide.A universe of high-level alternate reality experiences available either on a personal computer, mobile device, Ubiquituous User-Interface (I.E. next generation “glass” hardware), or via TV and video on demand, or any digital device with access to Internet, the Cultural Arts Internet Platform will help to educate the topics of the World Federation of Nations Foundation Agenda on a world-wide basis.(4) An association with the Peace for Profit Documentary Episodes with appearance from Larry King (formerly of CNN). Peace for Profit Series is an on going series of one-hour non-religious, non-political documentaries that explore the economics of peace and the prosperity that is being wasted in areas of the world where hatred and conflict prevail. It is a vision of hope and triumph that gathers positive ideas on how peace can be profitable, and takes action without judgment or condemnation. The ongoing series focuses on the big issues concerning government and also on the individual and family level, where even the smallest efforts can make the greatest changes. There are many sources pointing out problems with few focusing on peaceful solutions from the core of the problem and showing that everyone large and small is hurt in one way or another by hostility or by war.


(5) A participation with Journey to the Fountain of You, guide to a more powerful, positive and productive life, by Author, Leith Eaton. This book shows you how to take right action in every area of your life and have a more vital and productive life as a result. The overall message in the book helps to promote the mission statement of the World Federation of Nations Foundation.

(6) A participation with the International Arts Association that promotes all areas of The Arts and The Artists. Through the International Arts Association, the World Federation of Nations Foundation will be able to have joint events that will benefit the Foundation.

(7) A participation with the Beverly Hills Academy of The Arts that will educate in all areas of The Arts. This joint participation will enable us to have joint events that will be of benefit.


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